The Support Group is an integral part of any Guiding Unit. It is made up of parent volunteers and aims to meet once a term to discuss how we can support the Guide Leaders. We also run an Annual General Meeting where positions are elected and discussions are held to review the last year and make plans for the next year. We welcome everybody to our AGM.
The Support Group members are an integral part of the Unit, responsible for fundraising, hall maintenance and budgeting for the annual costs the unit faces.
Our Support Group is made up of the following positions:
Chair/Vice Chair
Chairs meetings and works closely with the District manager to ensure actions from meetings are completed.
Sets meeting dates and agendas and takes minutes at meetings.
Responsible for keeping accurate books for the Unit in order to give a full financial report at the annual AGM.
Property Manager and Maintenance Officer
Works closely with the District Manager to ensure compliance with Property regulations, manages on going work required for Hall Maintenance and organises working bees.
Hall Hire Officer
Identifies possible hall hire opportunities for the Unit’s hall, manages the hall hire bookings and seeks opportunities to expand Community knowledge of hall availability.
Grants Officer
Identifies and completes grants and letters asking local companies and Councils for financial support.
Volunteering is an integral part of Guiding and without our volunteers many of the important youth activities and adventures would not be able to take place, so if you have some free time and are interested in getting involved with our Support Group, we always welcome new members.
Please contact [email protected] for further information.
‘This website is not an official site of Girl Guides Australia. Girl Guides Australia takes no responsibility for the content of this website.